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What Animals Live in the Canadian North Woods

What Animals Live in the Canadian North Woods

The Great North Woods

Text by Liz McKenzie and Photos by Richard Nelson


The Dandy North Woods

It's late June, a smoldering midnight sun high and brilliant to a higher place the northern horizon. A moose stands at the edge of a willow thicket, raises its head and listens. Somewhere in the distance, a long, mournful howl lifts into the even so silence. Others join in, their voices ranging from deep baritone to wavering sopranos, mixed with yips and barks. The haunting voices drift along twisting rivers, carry beyond mirror-at-home lakes, echo from mountainsides—wolves, sentinels and icons of the great boreal forest.

Nigh people have never even heard of the boreal forest and those who have may recollect of it only as a perfect place to fish or hunt, to hike or paddle. But even if people don't know information technology exists, the boreal forest is important to their lives…no affair where on earth they live.

When people retrieve of the biggest wood in the world, usually information technology'south the tropical rain woods that comes to mind. But in fact, the boreal forest is the largest intact wood ecosystem on earth. It covers 11percent of the land expanse on the planet, and is actually l percent bigger than the Amazon pelting forest.

Stretching across the northern world like a broad dark-green necklace, the boreal forest covers much of interior Alaska, Canada, Russian federation, and northern Europe. Unlike some forests, which are dense with trees, the boreal forest is a mosaic of open meadows, ponds, lakes, and boggy muskegs interlaced amidst the stands of copse.

In Alaska the boreal woods is dominated by the coniferous white and black bandbox, woven together with deciduous birch and aspen copse. There are also thickets of willows and alders, meadows and bogs, millions of lakes and ponds, many large rivers and winding meanders, creeks and rivulets, and mountains skirted with green, often with tall tundra on their heights.

It is an area of not bad multifariousness, spectacular beauty, and vast wildness. Some parts are still virtually unaltered wilderness. In places like Denali National Park, Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, and Gates of the Chill National Park, every species of establish and animal known to live there before Europeans arrived, is still in that location today.

A Country of Extremes


In the far N, the differences in day length from the centre of summer to deepest winter are extreme. You lot can almost feel the Earth tilting on its centrality equally it angles toward or away from the sun—especially in the spring and fall when increasing and decreasing daylight changes are most dramatic. For example, in Fairbanks, Alaska, each day in September is nigh 7 minutes shorter than the previous twenty-four hour period, and each calendar week has nearly fifty minutes less of daylight than the week before! Of class, the procedure is reversed in spring, when the days are getting longer.

Summer is a time of bliss for everyone who lives in the northward land—twenty-four hours of daylight, warm temperatures, and even hot days reaching eighty or 90°F. The late evening light is a soft, protracted gold. And for most of the summertime days and "nights", the air is sweetened with the songs of many species of birds.

In wintertime the sun is ether very low on the horizon for a few hours each twenty-four hour period or it'due south not seen at all above the Arctic Circle, with merely a period of twilight at midday. But information technology is non as nighttime as nosotros might imagine. Considering the state is covered with snowfall for six to vii months each yr, what light there is—from the sky, stars, moon, and fifty-fifty the aurora—is reflected by all that white.

Winters are very, very cold—temperatures plunge as depression as -70° F. Before the get-go snow falls, most of the summertime birds migrate to warmer climates, but the wood notwithstanding has a voice in winter—ravens, ptarmigan, gray jays and other birds who make this their year-round home chortle and croak, cheep and whistle. Water ice on the rivers and lakes crackles and booms, snow shuffles from branch to basis, and sometimes the wind murmurs in the treetops.

Notwithstanding the winter boreal forest is often stunningly quiet and still.

At Domicile in the Forest


The boreal forest is dwelling house to some very big animals—moose, grizzly bear, black carry and caribou. They live here along with many smaller mammals: wolf, wolverine, lynx, river otter, beaver, scarlet squirrel, mink, and marten. Some of these animals—similar the grizzly bear, lynx, river otter, and wolverine—have disappeared from much of their onetime range, and then the boreal forest is their last stronghold. Wolves one time widespread throughout Europe, Asia, and Due north America, at present exist in merely a tiny fraction of their original homeland, mostly in the boreal forest.

Animals like caribou, who spend their summers on the artic tundra, seek refuge in the forest where they detect food and shelter from winter storms. The long cold months are a time of endurance for all who live at that place, and for caribou this means, pawing the ground endlessly in search of lichen cached deep nether the snow.

Summer is a fourth dimension of relatively lavish abundance. Moose for example, banquet on fresh leaves and shoots—and suck upwards pond vegetation—to the tune of 50 pounds per 24-hour interval!

And for the billions of birds who come to nest and raise their young, the boreal forest provides an explosion of protein-rich insects for feasting. In fact, this area is and so important to the life cycles of more than 200 species of birds, it is called the "bird factory". Some birds migrate vast distances to spend their summers here; they come from every continent in the world, including Antarctica.

People of the Woods

N America'due south first people came here after their ancestors crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Asia at to the lowest degree x to twelve thousand years agone. Since that aboriginal time, people of many indigenous cultures accept fabricated their livelihoods past hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering in the boreal forest. This great northern land remains the homeland for many ethnic people.


There are about 50 native villages in the boreal interior of Alaska, including 11 Athabaskan Indian languages, and a number of inland communities where the people speak Inupiaq and Yupik Eskimo languages. The vast boreal woods country of Canada is home to nigh 600 Outset Nations communities.

While at times it is a lean and sparse and challenging identify, for native people who have learned over countless generations how to live in this country, the boreal wood still supports a thriving culture based on subsisting from wild resources. The people are sustained by what the land gives, and their civilisation is infused with a shut and indelible relationship with the land.

Hunting, fishing, and trapping are vital to the economies of these modern villages. People assemble wild foods like the astonishing assortment of berries—blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, crowberries, bog cranberries, loftier bush cranberries, cloudberries, and currents. Wild meats, fish, and plants are not occasional departures from store-bought foods—they are the main staples in a villager'due south diet.

Traditionally, people made their wearable, bedding, shelter, sleds, tools and equipment from the animals and plants of the forest. For example, caribou and moose hides were used for clothing, tents, bedding, sinew, and tools. Even today, caribou skin boots and mittens are still made past skilled village seamstresses and worn in the wintertime, and caribou hides still provide soft camp mattresses.

For indigenous people, white spruce is probably the well-nigh important tree species. Information technology dominates much of the North American boreal forest—alpine spires upward to a hundred feet alpine and living as long equally a century. Like all plants of the far north, they are slow growing.

Wood from spruce was used for building cabins, for tent poles, boats, paddles, dogsleds and caches. Spruce boughs are still used to insulate tent floors and as bedding for sled dogs. The roots are of import for handbasket making, and pitch is an effective antibiotic for healing cuts and sores.

Koyukon people who live in interior Alaska believe that each function of the natural world has a spirit that must be respected by post-obit special rules passed downwards since ancient times. It is particularly important for a hunter to care for animals like moose or black bears carefully, so that they will "give themselves to him", assuring food for the family. Showing disrespect for a very powerful animal like the grizzly bear would be risking revenge from the offended spirit.

Rules for showing respect too employ to important plants like bandbox trees. For example, someone who cuts downwardly a tree should show respect by using as much of the woods every bit possible, so that goose egg is carelessly wasted. White spruce trees take a protective spirit, and so people ofttimes army camp under the boughs of a big old spruce, considering it will shelter them from physical or spiritual damage.

Spruce trees are and so of import to Koyukon people that they have over twoscore words to describe its nature and conditions. For instance: ts'ibaa (white spruce), thou'itloo (dry out branches near bottom of bandbox), doht'oh (ball of branches in spruce), ts'ibaalot'oodza (rough outer part of bark), ts'ibaalotlaakk (whole bark of spruce when removed in sections) tl'eel-o (straight grained tree or wood), K'itloo' (dry branches near bottom of spruce often used to start campfires).

Carbon sequestration

One of the almost important roles of the boreal forest globally is what's chosen carbon sequestration—the power to store carbon. Because carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases contributing to climate change, the boreal forest's power to hold carbon is important for keeping these gases locked up and out of the atmosphere.


The boreal wood stores more carbon than whatsoever other terrestrial ecosystem—30% of the full carbon stored on the earth'southward continents.

All plant materials store carbon, but as a constitute decomposes it releases carbon back into the atmosphere. What makes the boreal forests ability to shop carbon then much higher than plant communities in temperate or tropical climates? The primal is colder average temperatures year round, which brand the rate of decomposition much, much slower. In other words, a huge corporeality of the earth's carbon is held within the gradually decomposable organic material underlying the forests, meadows, lakes, and bogs of the boreal regions.

For this reason, scientists conclude that climate regulation by stored carbon is an of import reason to limit cutting of boreal forests, trying to command wildfires, and keeping these great forests intact.

The Souvenir of the Forest

The boreal forest is one of the world'due south peachy treasures. This vast wild land remains a stronghold—and in some cases a last remaining dwelling—for some of our most spectacular wild creatures. Grizzly bears yet roam in the sheltering northern forest, lynx move silently across the wintertime drifts, moose haunt the willow thickets, wolverines lope forth the mountainsides, and wolves howl at the wintertime moon.

In summertime, the boreal forest comes live with an countless chorus of voices—billions of birds, many of which enrich the lives of people throughout the U.Southward. and Canada, from Mexico to the Amazon, downwards into Patagonia and as far abroad equally Australia and New Zealand.

This is the largest intact forest on globe, responsible for storing 30% of all carbon—an extremely important role in regulating greenhouse gases on the planet.

We might also think of the boreal woods equally a storehouse for the world's remaining wildness.

What if we could empathize the importance of the boreal forest in terms other than money? How would we mensurate the value of songbirds, waterfowl and shorebirds; the value of wolves and grizzly bears and caribou; the value of a sacred homeland for indigenous people across the northern reaches of the world?

Tin nosotros weigh these values along with the importance of this concluding slap-up intact woods for storing carbon that helps to weigh our green business firm emissions? Are these fundamental values—for the preservation of species and the sustaining of life on earth itself—more important than what nosotros gain in newspapers, oil, gas, and electricity?

Mayhap a way to think most the significance of the boreal wood is by listening to the voices it brings to all of us.

What Animals Live in the Canadian North Woods



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